Monster Slip and Slide Logo
Bude, Cornwall

What you need to know

Cancelling and refunds

Wanting to know what to do if you need to cancel a booking? We’ve tried to put as much information below for you but if you have any other questions, please contact the team by pushing the button below.

Can i cancel my booking?

If you need to cancel your booking, please email us at with your cancellation request. If your email is received at least 7 days prior to your booked date, we will offer you a full refund or credit note.


What if you need to reschedule?

We know that sometimes things can come up and scupper the best-made plans. If you need to reschedule, please email us by clicking here and we will try to accommodate you as best as we can.

What if someone doesn't Slide?

No refunds will be given on the day if a member of group decides not to slide.

What if we are forced to cancel?

If the Monster Slip And Slide is forced to close due to unforeseen circumstances we will refund in full or offer credit note. If we cancel, we will do our best to contact everyone. Please check our social media for updates. If the conditions on the day are not ideal but the activity still goes ahead then we will be unable to offer a refund. Please make sure you are happy with these terms and conditions prior to booking.

Is booking required?

The Monster Slip And Slide site is located in a fairly sheltered location, although this does not guarantee we can always remain open. Please check our updates on social media. We still operate in most wet conditions and rain. Staff have the right to close or pause sliding without notice if the weather compromises safety at any point. If The Monster Slip And Slide is forced to close due to unforeseen circumstances (like Covid or adverse weather conditions) we will refund in full or offer a credit note.

Still have questions?

If you’ve still got questions about a cancellation or a booking with Monster Slip and Slide, then we’ll do our best to answer them. Please email all enquiries to and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to welcoming you soon.